Learning Materials
“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”
Dr. Seuss
Helpful websites for grammar -
Helpful websites for MLA-
Helpful websites for vocabulary-
And here are some helpful videos on how to study for a vocabulary quiz: "Learn Vocabulary Faster" and "How to Study for a Vocabulary Test"
Helpful websites for reading-
How To Make Sure Your Work Sets The Right Tone
You worked hard on your project, essay, poster, etc., and you want to make sure you get a good grade. Here are some tips that work with all teachers, as well as with future employers.
The paper/poster board/ etc. should be wrinkle and fold free. Don’t roll it up unless you absolutely have to.
No pencil markings should be visible. This means that nothing should be written in pencil, drawn solely in pencil (unless very obviously an artistic choice), or have stray pencil markings.
Do not cross out mistakes; use white out and use it neatly!
Posters should have images and color. If it isn’t aesthetically pleasing, no one wants to look at it, and then you won’t want to look at your grade. Words can be in color, and pictures, either hand drawn or from the Internet, should be in color. Can’t print in color? Add pops of color with construction or scrap book paper backing here and there, and then use markers where appropriate.
When you cut things out, make sure to cut in a straight line. All of the white surrounding the picture should be gone.
When hand writing, or evening gluing, be sure to write in a straight line.
Fill the space appropriately. A poster should not be too crowded, nor should your poster have tons of white space.
Do you have neat hand writing? No? Then you need to type EVERYTHING.
Check your spelling and grammar MULTIPLE times. Do not spill anything on it.
You should be proud of your work, and if you are, you will treat it that way!