Welcome to Ms. P's ELA Classroom
An overview of middle school ELA classes at WAAS
​Sarah Jessica Parker
Class Materials
Each student should come prepared each day with the following:
A one inch three ring binder with PLENTY of paper
Dividers for your binder (5)
2 folders with holes so they can be inserted into your binder; also, please try to have folders that are not see-through/clear. They must be true folders
a spiral notebook that can also be inserted into your binder
Pencils and/or pens (whatever your preference to write with) as well as a red pen for editing
Post it notes
Independent reading
Please always bring whatever text we are reading as a class as well.
For those interested in helping contribute to the class supply needs, here is a link to my Amazon Wish List.
What is "Language Arts"?
According to Merriam-Webster, art is "something that is created with imagination and skill and that is beautiful or that expresses important ideas or feelings." So essentially the study of language arts is the study of using words or signs (language) to explore and communicate important and/or beautiful ideas. How do we do this? Well, it takes a lot.
In order to communicate proficiently we need a lot of tools. These tools include, but are not limited to, vocabulary, grammar (parts of speech, punctuation, etc), spelling, sentence structure, proof reading, reading comprehension (both on a literal and figurative level), and essay composition. Language Arts includes a great deal, but our goal is to become effective readers, thinkers, listeners, writers, and speakers.
"Yea, yea, Ms. P, that's all well and good, but really, how will this help me in life?"
Countless careers center around an interest or degree in English: copy writing, technical writing, marketing, journalism, public relations, teaching, publishing, corporate blogging, video game storyline production, screenwriting, all fields of law, etc. Let's be honest. Many of you don't want to grow up to become writers, at least that is not your plan right now. Even if you want to become a doctor, though, LA is important. Think about it: would you feel confident letting a doctor operate on you if he or she could hardly arrange a sentence properly? I don't think so. If you become your own small business owner, you will have to advertise and communicate a lot, and people will draw conclusions from how you do so. Therefore, LA is important to all of us!
1. Demonstrate respect for yourself and others
2. Work to the best of your ability
3. Ask for help when you need it
See Other Tips Below
Some helpful guidelines
Come to class prepared with everything you need. There is no leaving class to go to your locker.
Turn in any work due that day when called for (This means having it printed out and ready BEFORE class begins). Remember to put this work in your folder before turning it in to the turn in box. Not following this procedure will cause you to lose 5 points.
Please remember WAAS policy regarding printing homework at school- homework should be printed at home.
Should you miss a due date, you should still do the work. You will have 3 days to get late work to me. Each day, 7 points will be deducted. Anything is better than a 0, though. Turn the late work into the bin on my desk. If I put a 0 in Jupiter, it is to prompt you to remember to turn in the work, not because your 3 days are up.
​If you are confused about an assignment or about your grade on a completed assignment, please come see me during guided study, and I will be happy to help you.
As stated in the school handbook, plagiarism will not be tolerated. We will review this at the beginning of the school year, but if you are unsure, please ask. Plagiarized work will receive a grade of 0 with no option to resubmit. The same policy stands for cheating. This means you should not copy someone else's work/homework, look at another person's test or quiz, talk during a test or quiz, or abuse sources. This 100% includes using any kind of AI to complete your work.
When you are absent, I will put handouts from class in the folders on the back of the door. Look in the folder that corresponds with the day(s) you missed.
According to school policy, when you have an unplanned absence, you have two days to make up missed work. If possible, reach out to me or a classmate to see what you can do before returning. However, if you are really feeling ill, please take the time to rest and recover.
Did you lose a handout? Your options are to reach out to a classmate and take a picture of the handout to print on your own or to handwrite/copy the handout. I will not give you another copy, nor should you go to the front office to request a copy be made for you.
There are times when we can use our laptops in class; on those occasions, please make sure your technology is charged. Also, please only use websites and applications that relate to the assignments. If you do not adhere to these guidelines, you will lose technology privileges.
Please see the WAAS handbook regarding the charging of laptops. Also, remember that laptops may only be used when permission is given, meaning that before school, lunch, and recess are not times to be on your technology per school rules.
Extra credit is only available when I offer it; please don't ask.